Updates on Our COVID-19 Response Funding
United Way of the Capital Region COVID-19 Basic Needs Response and Recovery Fund
The United Way of the Capital Region COVID-19 Basic Needs Response and Recovery Fund was launched to support our trusted United Way partners that provide food, clothing and shelter services in Cumberland, Dauphin and Perry counties.
As of March 1, 2021, we’ve raised and distributed $316,329 to a total of 21 nonprofit organizations. This leaves the fund at a zero balance, ending the funding process.
Grants Awarded
Grants (maximum of $10,000) were awarded to the following nonprofit organizations that provide emergency basic needs services to individuals and families impacted by COVID-19. All agencies have a trusted partnership with United Way of the Capital Region.
- Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Harrisburg: $5,000 to support temporary emergency housing for 35 individuals (Round 1).
- Central Pennsylvania Food Bank: $10,000 to support crisis response food boxes for 1,875 individuals (Round 1); $10,000 to support crisis response food boxes for 1,875 (Round 4).
- Christian Churches United of the Tri-County Area: $10,000 to provide rent assistance, security deposits and short-term hotel stays for 50 individuals (Round 1); $10,000 for rental assistance to 10 households, $750 average rent and $625 for two week hotel stay for 4 households (Round 5); $7,500 for average rent for 10 families and $2,500 for average rent for 5 people (Round 13).
- CONTACT Helpline, Inc.: $5,120 to support the increase in call volume. CONTACT Helpline supports 211, a non-emergency information and referral service (Round 1); $4,880 to support call volume which is expected to increase because the protections against evictions and utility shutoffs will end soon (Round 9).
- Domestic Violence Services of Cumberland & Perry Counties: $10,000 to provide emergency shelter and food for 30 individuals and their families (Round 1); $10,000 to put 7 people/families in hotels for 30 days at $49 per day (Round 13).
- Harrisburg Area YMCA: $10,000 to provide food preparation and delivery to 700 individuals, primarily children and senior citizens (Round 1); $10,000 to provide packaged meals to be delivered to families served and continuing enhanced services to men residing in the subsidized housing program (Round 5); $10,000 to provide classroom space, tutors and certified educators at three locations for 200 students whose school districts are operating online (Round 9); $8,944.50 to purchase disposable masks; disinfectant supplies for five locations; crayon packs, scissors and storage boxes, and meals for at risk youth in a mentoring program (Round 15).
- Health Ministries of Christ Lutheran Church: $5,000 to provide food, clothing and shelter to 25 individuals (Round 1); $10,000 to provide rental assistance, clothing, utilities assistance and food to 25 families (Round 14).
- International Service Center: $5,000 for PPE supplies for staff and clients which will help the agency reactivate their food pantry which serves 500 individuals (Round 2).
- Jewish Family Services: $2,500 for Kosher Meals on Wheels and non-Kosher medically appropriate meals for 50 senior citizens (Round 2); $5,000 to assist community members with rent or mortgage subsidies at about $333 per client (Round 15).
- Jewish Federation of Greater Harrisburg: $5,000 to provide a Community Classroom to support students in the Harrisburg School District whose parents are working and unable to support their virtual studies. Funds were requested for administrative staff time, cleaning supplies, sanitizing supplies and increased utility costs (Round 9).
- Join Hands Ministry: $10,000 to provide rent and utility assistance to 185 individuals in Perry County (Round 1); $10,000 to provide rent/housing, utility, transportation and internet assistance for 84 individuals in Perry County (Round 13).
- Joshua Group: $10,000 to assist with technology needs (iPads) for remote learning for 20 students. These students are on scholarship at private schools through Joshua Group and as such are not eligible for the equipment provided by Harrisburg School District (Round 9); $9,800 to purchase 10 iPads w/cases and IT support for virtual learning, 7 HEPA filtered air purifiers, disinfectant and cleaning supplies, gloves, contactless thermometers and additional Pre-K educational supplies (Round 15).
- Keystone Human Services: $7,500 to provide food and medical supply kits for residential homes serving individuals with intellectual disabilities, mental health diagnoses and autism (Round 1).
- Latino Hispanic American Community Center: $5,000 to support translation services and access to food (Round 1).
- Neighborhood Center of the United Methodist Church: $10,000 to provide food, clothing, shelter, and utility bills for 240 individuals (Round 2).
- New Hope Ministries: $10,000 to provide food, and rental and utility assistance for 60 individuals (Round 1); $10,000 to provide rent, mortgage and utility assistance to approximately 60 individuals (Round 4); $10,000 $10,000 to provide 10 households an average rent/mortgage assistance of $1,000 (Round 15).
- Perry County Literacy Council: $10,000 to provide rent/housing, utility, transportation and emergency food assistance for 180 people (Round 13).
- The Salvation Army Harrisburg Capital City Region: $10,000 to provide food for 2,400 individuals (Round 1); $10,000 to provide food thru drive-thru program and weekly ready-to-eat boxes for 3,000 individuals (Round 4); $8,944.50 to support food assistance program for 12 weeks, providing more than 100,000 pounds of food for clients and program partners (Round 15).
- Shalom House: $4,000 to provide shelter for 15 individuals (Round 1); $2,730 to provide food and shelter for 2 families for one month (Round 6).
- Tri-County OIC: $2,500 for food, medication, and transportation for 100 individuals (Round 2); $3,410 to provide bus passes so students can attend face-to-face classes, to purchase personal care items for students, emergency food for families and instructional kits for students participating in remote instruction (Round 15).
- Upper Dauphin Human Services: $6,000 to support utility costs for 100 individuals (Round 1). $10,000 to support rent/mortgage assistance, heating assistance, utility assistance, vehicle repair/transportation to employment and childcare for 150 individuals (Round 10).
Thank You Corporate Supporters
We extend our heartfelt appreciation to the following corporations for their generous support of our COVID-19 Basic Needs Response and Recovery Fund:
- Capital BlueCross – $10,000
- Deloitte Consulting – $10,000
- Enterprise Rent-A-Car – $10,000
- F&M Trust – $20,000
- Highmark Blue Shield – $25,000
- McCormick Family Foundation – $10,000
- Millers Mutual Insurance – $5,000
- Nationwide Foundation – $25,000
- Nestle Purina Pet Care Company – $3,750
- Penn National Insurance – $40,000
- PPL Foundation – $50,000
- Truist Foundation (formerly BB&T) – $20,000
- UPS – $7,645
- Wells Fargo Company – $20,000
- Westfield Insurance Foundation – $15,000
Regional Fund with The Foundation for Enhancing Communities
The Foundation for Enhancing Communities has launched a regional fund in partnership with United Way of the Capital Region. This fund will help support nonprofit organizations in central Pennsylvania. As of March 3, 2021, $303,383 has been raised. A total of $270,000 has been distributed to 93 nonprofits in Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Lebanon, Perry and Northern York (Dillsburg) counties.
Thank you to the following organizations for their generosity:
- The Hershey Company – $10,000
- Highmark Blue Shield – $50,000
- The Foundation for Enhancing Communities – $50,000
Thank You!
We sincerely thank you for your support. While, COVID-19 is a new test of our collective strength, we know we can – and will – overcome this challenging time by working together because LIVE UNITED is not about a tagline, it’s a reflection of who we are as a community.